Happy 1st Birthday www.bankalpine.com!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear www.bankalpine.com,
Happy birthday to you!

Alpine Bank's most recent web site redesign was launched one year ago today. Designed by the talented Gordon B. using Adobe® Illustrator®, bankalpine.com was one of the first web projects I was involved with at Ignition Studio. The site uses CSS, XHTML and Adobe® ColdFusion®. The site was also optimized to be edited by the client using Adobe® Contribute® CS3 for any "static" areas and features a robust back-end administration area to manage everything from RSS-enabled news to job applications and online banking enrollments.

Alpine Bank Web Site
Designer: Gordon B.  |  Developer: Steve Withington


Thanks, Steve, for our birthday wishes! We love our web site!
# Posted By Nellie | 7/23/08 2:22 PM
You are most welcome.
# Posted By Stephen Withington | 7/24/08 9:08 AM

© 2024, Stephen J. Withington, Jr.  |  Hosted by Hostek.com

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